‘There are sounds that the beat does not allow you hear. Even after the ending, there are still signs’.

Fernando López, Art Director



Sobre estos dos principios, “Ni tú ni yo”, obra de madurez de Juan Diego Mateos y Belén Maya, se construye huyendo de la necesidad de demostrar las propias capacidades técnicas y del deseo de ser objeto de admiración, tan propios de la juventud.

De este modo, proponemos una experiencia estética serena, dejando de lado la pirotecnia del virtuosismo y el lenguaje de la confrontación y la provocación.

Buscamos crear un espacio acogedor para artistas y espectadores que les permita ejercitarse en una escucha y visión profundas, más allá del oleaje del aplauso, desde la calma que produce acercarse a la vibración del silencio.


Fernando López, director artístico.


Belen Maya and Juan Diego Mateo’s mature work ‘Neither you nor I’, has been based on the above two principles. A work that escapes from the need of both performers to showcase their own technical capacities, or their desire to be the objects of admiration, which are so typical of youth.

This work presents a serene aesthetic experience, leaving to one side the pyrotechnics of virtuosity as well as the language of confrontation and provocation.

We are looking to create a cosy space, for both artist and audience, that would allow them to immerse themselves in deep listening and viewing, beyond the waves of the applause, into the calm that comes close to the vibration of silence.


Fernando López, director artístico.

© Photographer: Esteban Abión

“No es un espectáculo de baile,
es un concierto de él.”

Belén Maya

© The OSB 2020